Train Your Child’s Bladder

Training a five-year-old to do anything is difficult, so getting your youngster to do bladder training is a huge accomplishment. To get your child to stop wetting the bed using this method, you have to work with your child during the daytime.

Tell your child to let you know when they have to take a pee then use a timer to help create a delay for a few minutes. You can start with one minute and when your child is successful to add another minute to the next time. You can make this into a fun, motivational game and even give your child rewards for completing the task. The goal you want to accomplish is to teach your child on how to delay taking a pee for 45 minutes or more. Once you can train your child’s bladder for this long, you will eventually be able to achieve better bladder control with your child at night.

It is also important to remember that bladder problems can result from delayed urination. It may be a good idea to talk to your doctor verse before implementing this approach with your child. A urinary tract infection (UTI) can be attributed to bladder training. Therefore, you should first have a doctor rule out that a UTI is not the source of the problem before beginning bladder training. If your doctor gives you the ok, you should also remember that bladder training takes time and practice and it is a process that you and your child will need to work on every day until your child reaches the goal to stop wetting the bed.