This year’s flu season is one of the worst in modern times. Despite having months left, it has already infected an unprecedented number of people. While healthy people usually recover completely, children, the elderly, and people with compromised immune systems often have more serious effects. Almost 100 people under the age of 18 have already died from influenza this year just in the United States.

Getting your influenza vaccine is more important than ever this year, especially if you have little ones. This is especially true if you are around children under the age of five years. However, your little ones can catch this illness from others even if you get your shot. It is important to know what symptoms to look for so you can get prompt medical care for your loved ones.


The first sign of influenza is often fatigue. In very young people, this often looks like sleeping more and playing less. You may notice that your little one suddenly prefers sedentary activities and is not getting in as much mischief as usual. They also may seem more irritable and fussy than usual.

It can be difficult to tell if a child is coming down with an illness or simply overtired. In addition, influenza can mimic the common cold in its early phases. Parents can usually tell the difference when the kid continues to be out-of-sorts despite getting plenty of rest.

There are several things you can do to help your loved one feel better at this stage. Encourage them to take in fluids. In addition, they should eat foods that are gentle on the stomach and rich in nutrients. This will help speed up the recovery process.