The year of maternity leave seems long, some days, but it often feels like its over way too fast. Not only that, most childcare centres have very long wait lists making it imperative to start looking for a daycare when your babe is only a few months old. The thought of entrusting your precious child to strangers is unthinkable! However, if you are planning to go back to work, it is a decision you are going to have to make. Take your time and view ALL your options. Going back to work is going to be stressful enough, you want to make sure you are comfortable with your childcare provider. The debate between home daycare and centre care is one only you and your family can solve. While there are always exceptions, here are a few points to consider while looking at home daycares:

Pro #1: Mimics home experience

Most children have the opportunity to spend their first year at home with their mom or dad. Unfortunately at the end of that first year they need to make a huge transition (right around the time separation anxiety really sets in):daycare. One very big pro to going to a home daycare: it is in a home. A home atmosphere is more likely to mirror the atmosphere of your home, which can definitely help your child with such a huge transition. Also, most home daycare providers are mothers themselves. They are very experienced with children and are easy to relate to as they are mothers as well.