4. It Creates Negative Concept of Self

It’s easy to see that not picking up on all the visual and verbal cues of your baby or child begins to erode their sense of self and their importance in the world. Not only are they less aware of the emotions they feel, often creating insecurity and confusion, but they begin to think they’re insignificant in the scheme of things. At that early age do they really understand these feelings of isolation or irrelevance? No, not in the same way you or I would. They begin to act out for fear of survival. They become fussier or misbehave which in turn eats away at your patience and demeanor. Suddenly, the way you act toward your child is different than it might have been if you had been in tune with them in the first place. This directly affects how they perceive themselves and how they behave in the future. Researchers from the University of Cambridge discovered that the brainwave patterns of mothers and their babies actually become in sync and look very similar. The gazes between mother and child let the child know that his mother is there, wanting to communicate. Because of that, they will make more vocalizations. It’s clear to see that their personalities and how they feel about themselves are being formed every day with these interactions. This continues to be true when the child is older, as well.