Home Kids


Children love to be outside and often seem almost impervious to the elements. Despite their lack of regard for mittens, coats, and other outdoor gear, children are at high risk for frostbite. Ottawa parent Joel Graham once learned this difficult lesson. He enjoyed regular cross-country skiing treks, with his toddler son towed on a covered sled behind him....
You should not be worried if your child is showing signs of wetting the bed at night. According to the Mayo Clinic, 15% of children are still wetting the bed even up to five years of age. Roughly 5 million children are affected by this common problem every year. If you want to help your child grow out...
Kids often have tons of energy to spare, and it's important for parents to help them channel their energy in healthy ways. Instead of having them chasing their brothers and sisters around the house for hours after school, consider enrolling them in extracurricular activities that benefit both their physical and mental development. When deciding on extracurricular activities for your child,...
We all know that death is never easy nor is it simple. However, explaining dying and mortality to minds so young is quite possibly the hardest thing to do if you have never spoken to them about life and dying before. People often have religious beliefs as well that can be difficult to explain when a kid is coping....

The Best Toys Of 2019

With thousands perhaps millions of them on the market, manufacturers are always designing new toys to keep kids interested in traditional play. But hold your horses parents, these modern playthings are all about Lego, eggs, surprises, slime, and poop. Yes! Poop! We've compiled a list of top trending kits and sets for 2019 to make it easier for...
Putting your child into daycare is scary, for both parents and children. A positive daycare experience can make this process much easier. There are a lot of debates on which is better: home daycare or daycare centre care. The fact is: there are good and bad home daycares, and there are good and bad day care centres. Here are...
The year of maternity leave seems long, some days, but it often feels like its over way too fast. Not only that, most childcare centres have very long wait lists making it imperative to start looking for a daycare when your babe is only a few months old. The thought of entrusting your precious child to strangers is unthinkable!...