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Having children is an adventure. A child is a part of you. Things change after you have them because they become the center of your world. Others will notice the difference in your priorities, especially if you are the first among your friends to have a baby. Of course to a non-parent anything to do with children will come...
The nature of kids play has evolved tremendously to the point where parents can hardly get children to get involved in indoor games that has nothing to do with TV, electronics, or other gadgets. With kids home on the weekend or a wet rainy day, it can be a bit of a challenge to come up with game ideas...
Kids often have tons of energy to spare, and it's important for parents to help them channel their energy in healthy ways. Instead of having them chasing their brothers and sisters around the house for hours after school, consider enrolling them in extracurricular activities that benefit both their physical and mental development. When deciding on extracurricular activities for your child,...
We all know that death is never easy nor is it simple. However, explaining dying and mortality to minds so young is quite possibly the hardest thing to do if you have never spoken to them about life and dying before. People often have religious beliefs as well that can be difficult to explain when a kid is coping....
Putting your child into daycare is scary, for both parents and children. A positive daycare experience can make this process much easier. There are a lot of debates on which is better: home daycare or daycare centre care. The fact is: there are good and bad home daycares, and there are good and bad day care centres. Here are...
Working in a daycare centre was always an adventure. The children are hilarious and loving and always kept me on my toes. Some days were more challenging than others. After having 2 kids of my own, I got to experience daycare centres from both sides: an ECE (Early Childhood Educator) and a parent. The experiences are very different from...
A two income household is almost a necessity these days. Both parents in the work force means that your child/ children most likely need to be in daycare. The transition to care is not always seamless. Sometimes the children adjust quickly, other times, the child needs time. One thing is for certain, it is going to be hard as...
Let’s be honest, the daily grind of child rearing can suck sometimes (A LOT). Days can feel like weeks, minutes can seem like hours. Some days it feels like you can’t get anything right- there’s a lot of crying, a lot of messes and a lot of craziness. However, a lot of people want babies. Many people want a...