Mistake #5 Failing To Set your Own Nursing Goals

As a mom, do not let someone else dictate to you what nursing success is. If you allow this, then you will be setting yourself up for disappointment. It is important to have your own goals and stick to them. It is easy for people around you to focus on the impact you are making while ignoring your intent. If you have set out to do what is best for your child and you do your ultimate best to make this happen, then this is satisfactory. Do not overpressure yourself to achieve what other mothers are doing.

Mothers have different experiences and capabilities. What you find as a challenge can be manageable to someone else. This does not mean that you are not doing the best for your child. It just means that your experience is different. Some moms prefer frequent feeds at night, while others are not able to do this. It is important to realize that there is no formula for doing this. As long as you are doing right by your child, then you can set your goals and adjust them as you go along. While you will hear and listen to many opinions, do not put too much pressure on yourself. Take it each day at a time and learn as go you along.