Having children is an adventure. A child is a part of you. Things change after you have them because they become the center of your world. Others will notice the difference in your priorities, especially if you are the first among your friends to have a baby. Of course to a non-parent anything to do with children will come off as alien, but there are times where you could be doing a little extra even for veteran parents.

The “Do’s and Don’ts” of taking care of a child is simple enough but if you need some help there are plenty of books out there to help give you a leg up. But what about you being a parent in social interactions? Whether you are pregnant or your little ones are running around, there are things that break silent social rules.

How can there be silent rules? It’s one of those mysteries that come with being human. There are things people do that rub others the wrong way. You know? You can probably think back to a few times that happened to you. Well when it come to the subject of you children, you may be breaking some of those rules. This would make you annoying to those around you.

With all of your focus going into raising your kids, you may do or say things without realizing it. Like boasting too much. There’s nothing wrong with telling others about your kids accomplishments, but we must remember that no one is perfect and there’s nothing wrong with that. We want the best for our children, but there’s no need to knock anyone else down to put the child on a pedestal.

How can you know for sure that you’re doing this? Here are some signs that you are an insufferable parent.

1. You break the news that you are pregnant at someone else’s big event.

It’s an exciting piece of news for sure. You want everyone to know that you are having a baby. In your head you envision everyone’s big smile and hugs all around, and you figure since everyone is already there why not share the news. The thing is, this event was for someone else. Nowadays with social media you can what you need to say can reach you family and friends just as easy as an in person announcement. It’s always more thoughtful to wait your turn to shine.