I don’t think I have ever wanted anything more in my life than having children. The day I found out I was pregnant, I couldn’t even get the words out to my husband and I fell to the floor crying. I was so happy. Little did I know, the next 9 months were going to be the most uncomfortable mess of my life. Although I did it twice and would torture myself all over again for my tiny little humans, pregnancy sucked! Here’s why:

Reason #1- Puking

Some people are lucky enough to skip this part (I hate them) and some people get to be awesome like me and have all day sickness. There is nothing worse than feeling nauseous all day every day and puking so much that there is nothing left in your stomach and the stomach acid burns your throat on the way up. I know, I know, too much information! Some women get sick for their entire pregnancy, some don’t vomit but just feel nauseous, some are so sick they end up in the hospital on I.V fluids. There are a million and one remedies people offer up. I’m pretty sure I tried them all, but unfortunately, none of them worked. Feeling sick 24 hours a day for months on end can really take a toll on your mental and physical health.