Every year new parenting trends seem to emerge. Some last a few years. Some last quite a while and others will fade even before the next year starts. Here are 6 trends from 2018 that we hope to see die and not make any start in this new year. Some trends just need an end and lets put these out of their misery.

1) Milk Bath Maternity Shoots

These photos can look like a dream. There, the beautiful woman lays in her gorgeous dress in a tub full of milk. No doubt the contrast of color alone makes her pop. And what pregnant woman that’s bathing in milk wouldn’t have a glow? But, have you ever sat and wondered about what’s exactly happening behind the scenes? After thinking this over a little more carefully, you’ll want to leave the milk in the fridge where it belongs. There is one thing that will compare in actual life and that will be the mom is sure to be covered at some point with milk after baby arrives. Here are some questions I have asked myself about these milk baths:

  • Where does the milk even come from? Does the photographer bring the milk or does the pregnant woman carry around a whole bunch of milk waiting for her shoot?
  • How much milk does it actually take to fill up the average tub anyways?
  • Is it even sanitary or ok to have your whole body covered in milk like that?
  • Most tubs aren’t very pretty or good for photos, so are you using your own tub or the photographer’s? That could make things a little weird to use theirs right? And if you use yours, how much cleaning would the poor pregnant mom have to endure before the shoot? I know mine would need a good scrubbing, bleaching, and possibly some grout work
  • Do women actually like sitting around in a milk filled tub wearing a see through dress when they are so pregnant? I mean, is the milk cold? I couldn’t imagine that would be too comfortable or even ok for the baby.
  • Aren’t there other, more important things you could be doing with your pre-birth time?
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