The first 6 weeks are hard… REALLY hard

This is where the “this too shall pass” motto should be repeating over and over in your head. The first 6 weeks, for me, was by far the hardest. With all the research and preparing I did, and after the initial shock and elation of finally pushing out the smushiest little munchkin ever, I had no idea what to do. On top of the exhaustion and uncertainty, there was the pain. My muscles hurt and my back hurt and my vagina hurt and my nipples hurt. Oh the pain! Also, the bleeding and the weird mesh underwear. We spent 3 days in the hospital due to breastfeeding issues with around the clock support and then we were sent home and I was terrified. I had to get to know his little screams and cries- what he liked and didn’t like- and how to feed him and how to take care of myself and how to do anything when my baby just wanted to nurse. All I can say in hindsight is, you only get your first baby once. Don’t over think it. Don’t over do it. Choose some good tv shows to binge watch, set yourself up with healthy snacks and lots of water and changing supplies and just snuggle the crap out of your tiny human. Bond with him and get to know him and know that the pain will go away and the feeding will get easier and the house will someday be clean but you will never ever get to spend that first six weeks with your baby again.