From the moment you decide to have children (whether you plan it out or not), you run out and get books to read, attend baby classes, ask your parents or friends for advice and/or read articles on the internet. There is an overwhelming amount of information on child-rearing, some would say too much information. Becoming a parent can be confusing and scary. Nothing is worse than feeling as though you are completely alone. Basically, parenting is hard- there’s no way around it. However, parenting is also awesome and exciting and a journey filled with incredible memories that last a lifetime. Here is a list of a few things I wish someone had shared with me before I had kids so I wouldn’t have felt like such a hot mess all the time.

This too shall pass

Giving birth (however you do it) is f@#$ing hard. Breastfeeding is challenging and exhausting. No one sleeps (NO ONE). The diapers and laundry are never ending. However, babies grow and babies change. In the blink of an eye (which seems like forever some days), the newborn days are over. I promise you, however, each tough phase will come to an end (unfortunately, so will the good ones). Cherish those sweet baby snuggles and first smiles, first steps and first hugs and kisses. On the other hand, dig your feet in and hang in there through all those sleepless nights, and cracked nipples and poop explosions because I promise you: this too shall pass.