#5- Seek Out Friendships

There were days when I was running on so little sleep, I was afraid I was going to fall asleep standing up. I was irritable and tired and unsure I would make it through the day until my husband came home. The only thing that got me through some of those days were play groups and mom friends. Being surrounded by people going through the same thing at the same time. Being able to share stories, advice and talk about all the things that drive you crazy is quite therapeutic. Also, being a stay at home mom can be quite lonely sometimes. Adult interaction is very important to keep you sane. It is definitely hard and scary to put yourself out there and find new friends. You don’t have to get rid of your old friends, but there is nothing better than talking to someone who completely understands the ups and downs of mommy hood. Bonus: your child may get a pretty awesome friend out of the deal too.