A two income household is almost a necessity these days. Both parents in the work force means that your child/ children most likely need to be in daycare. The transition to care is not always seamless. Sometimes the children adjust quickly, other times, the child needs time. One thing is for certain, it is going to be hard as hell for the parents. It’s one of the first times you really have to let go, which is near impossible when it comes to your children. I promise it will get easier (not easy, but easier). A daycare and staff that you really connect with can make all the difference. Here are a few things that are important for ECEs to understand (which may be tough when they don’t have children).

We Don’t Really Trust You

Nothing personal, it’s just hard to trust anyone when it comes to my own children and you need to work hard to gain that trust. You need to realize that I am sending you my baby, sending you my world, so please understand how difficult this is for us.